“Conservative Women: The Activist The Left Doesn’t Want You to Know Exist”
Suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton once opined, “The best protection any woman can have… is courage.”
Being a conservative on campus is challenging but not impossible. Conservative activism has thrived in the unlikeliest of places – even at liberal universities. Even more startling, to the dismay of leftists, is that emerging conservative activists happen to be young women.
Unsurprisingly, the elites in academia question our intelligence and have dismissed us for rejecting the status quo. For example, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill recently denied Fox News Contributor Katie Pavlich and filmmaker Ann McElhinney the opportunity to speak on campus citing them as “nonintellectual,” “non-academic” and “unreliable.” (Whatever happened to diversity of thought?)
Not every young woman who attends college places her trust in paternalistic government. Instead of rallying for so-called birth control rights, socialized medicine, and big government, these activists stand for family, faith, and free markets.
Many conservative women hold prestigious degrees, job titles, and manage businesses. Many hold office or have held office. And many conservative women are involved in grassroots efforts and alternative media. So much for being nonintellectual, non-academic, and unreliable!
Conservative women have the moral courage to stand for what is right — even when our male counterparts cave to leftist pressure when the going gets tough. (Cough, cough Speaker Boehner.) We boldly stand up to the status quo, promote timeless values, and boldly articulate ideas guaranteed to make a Marxist’s head explode.
Conservative women are reliable and passionate defenders of freedom and liberty. They are effective weapons to unleash on big government and their wayward supporters. Plus, we do not hate men!
If you want to be effective on campus, enlist the help of a Mama Grizzly-in-training.
Gabriella Hoffman is the North East Regional Field Coordinator for the Leadership Institute, and blogs at Counter Cultured USA. You can follow her on twitter at @Gabby_Hoffman
Reblogged from Young Conservatives of America